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пятница, 5 июля 2013 г.

Apple Wants To Patent Google's Technology?

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a patent application for Apple's navigation system based on the data that users enter, according to AppleInsider. The application was submitted in December 2011.

The application system described in the patent is very similar to the service Waze, which was acquired by Google  last month for $ 1.1 billion. When traveling on roads with Waze app for iPhone or Android-based smartphone drivers can put labels on traffic jams, accidents, hazards, traffic police outfits, post comments, etc. Other users on the basis of these labels can adjust theirroute, saving time and fuel.

A distinctive feature of the Apple navigation is that the users can put the rating route by which they had just passed. If this route is unsuccessful, the server automatically lays an alternative way that users can immediately find out.

The proposed system allows Apple to put ratings routes, streets and various places, to warn others about various situations on the roads and build the route according to these warnings.

Another feature allows you to choose a route based on the wishes. For example, the most scenic route or the route with the minimum number of stars, which he put the other participants.

Apple navigation system is designed to work on mobile devices - smartphones and tablets - with support for GPS and involves the exchange of data between them.

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