Over the last year more than 250 million people have joined the World Wide Web. By the end of 2013 almost 40% of the population will use the Internet. This is according to a new report, "Measuring the Information Society" for 2013, which was prepared by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
According to the report, the Republic of Korea is a leader in the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). It is followed by Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Finland and Norway. The top ten countries are the Netherlands, Great Britain, Luxembourg and Hong Kong (China).
The authors of the report point out that today, mobile broadband using smartphones and tablets has become the fastest-growing segment of the world market. They note increasing the overall worldwide demand for products and services of information and communication technology, continuously falling prices for mobile services and broadband, as well as the unprecedented growth of 3G adoption.
According to the authors, by the end of 2013 there will be 6.8 billion mobile subscriptions connection that is practically equal to the population of our planet. 2.7 billion people will be connected to the Internet, although the rate and prices will vary considerably in different regions.
However, 1.1 billion households (4.4 billion people) at this time don't have access to the World Wide Web. In the countries with the lowest level of connection to the internet 2,4 billion people live - a third of the world population.
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