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понедельник, 27 мая 2013 г.

EC Suspects Apple In Tax Evasion

European Commission (EC) launched an investigation for Apple which is suspected in the in illegal sales of iPhone. According to the Commission, Apple is building a sales strategy of its phone, which is "simultaneously discriminate against competitors."

The preliminary investigation against the U.S. company was started  after several complaints from the mobile operators and individuals. As Apple announced that its subsidiaries provide "full cooperation." As a part of the investigation a number of mobile operators in the European Union were sent a special questionnaire by the European Commission, in which the regulators are interested in particular contracts of Apple.

A few days earlier, Apple was at the center of a tax scandal. The company was blamed for  the fact that over the past four years, it evaded billions of dollars in taxes using a network of subsidiaries in offshore and loopholes in the legislation. As it was stated in the report of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate of the U.S. Congress, Apple used a network of affiliated organizations that do not pay income tax. Through these companies the corporation brought about 102 billion dollars out of their 145 billion dollars in cash. Some of the money was left in Ireland, where corporation tax on the profits of large companies is just over 12%.

As a result, Apple has managed to avoid payments in 2011 to $ 3.5 billion, and in 2012 it saved 9 billion.

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